Photo by Sandy Stover Troop 4113: Alicia Smith, Krissy Backstrom, Sarah Toftey, Hannah Toftey, Hannah VanderHeiden, Julia Larsen, Zoey Anderson, Emily Jacobsen (not pictured: Brooke Sherer). Troop 4117: Abby Prom, Claire Sherburne, Linnea Gesch, Linnea Henrikson, Kia Ashford-Brazell, Lucy Callendar. (Not pictured Wellesley Howard-Larsen)
The Adopt a River program was created by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to help individuals and groups connect to and protect Minnesota waterways. Girl Scout Troop 4113 (fourth graders) adopted the Kadunce River in Colvill. Thisis the first river to be adopted in Cook County. On May 14, Troop 4113 invited Troop 4117 (third grade) to join together for a clean-up day. The scouts collected 13 pounds of garbage in an hour and a half. The garbage collected included plastic, glass, paper, plastic, rubber and even a dirty diaper.
The two troops also started a monitoring program, which will include measurements of velocity and depth of the river at different times of the year and a watch on the erosion of the banks. More information about the Adopt-a-River program can be found at
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