Cook County News Herald

General call for write-in candidates for SWCD District 4 supervisor seat

The Cook County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) has put out a general call for write-in candidates for Supervisor of District 4 (also known as the Maple Hill area) in the upcoming election. The deadline for filing to appear on the ballot expired at the end of May.

SWCDs are special purpose units of government that manage and direct conservation programs at the local level. An elected board of supervisors governs each of Minnesota’s 88 SWCDs.

“Supervisors play an important role in how a wide variety of natural resources are managed in our county, including wetlands, rivers, lakes, forests, and farmland,” said Stephen Janasie, District Administrator, Cook County Soil & Water Conservation District. “Serving as a supervisor is a terrific opportunity for people who want a voice in how we manage our environment.”

SWCD supervisors meet monthly to discuss business, including state-grant allocations to landowners; district conservation priorities; coordination with other local units of government and state agencies; and legislative priorities. Supervisors do not receive a salary but receive compensation for attending meetings and expense reimbursements. Supervisors are elected to 4-year terms, commencing on the first Monday in January.

Candidate requirements: Must be an eligible voter and at least 21-years-old when assuming office. Must have resided in the district for at least 30 days before the general election and have no other affidavit on file for any other elected office – with some exceptions. See Minnesota Statutes 204B.06. To view District 4 boundaries for eligibility, please visit the District map.

The SWCD is not a county department, but rather a unit of local government established as a political subdivision of the State (under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 103C).

The general election will be held on November 8, 2022. Write-in candidates must file a written request with the county auditor after the close of the filing period and no later than the seventh day before general election (Minnesota Statutes 204B.09, subdivision 3). For more information, please call the SWCD at 218-387-3647.

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