A recent collaboration of volunteers has led to a significant community donation. Spirit of the Wilderness Episcopal Church raised $1,750 for its Good Samaritan Fund at a garage sale held at the Grand Marais home of Reed and Barabara Holaday on August 17, 2013.
Each year, the church donates 10 percent of its previous year’s operating budget to its Good Samaritan Fund and donates it to Cook County Public Health & Human Services to help meet client needs. This year, the proceeds from the garage sale are being given in addition to the church’s annual donation.
“The fund is administered by the social workers themselves, who know the clients and are familiar with their needs,” according to Spirit of the Wilderness Vicar Mary Ellen Ashcroft.
Ashcroft said, “If you’d like to join us in this effort, a check made out to Cook County Health & Human Services, marked Good Samaritan Fund in the memo, will go a long way towards easing the burdens of the most vulnerable of our neighbors.” Checks can be sent to Cook County Public Health & Human Services, 411 West 2nd Street, Grand Marais, MN 55604.
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