I write to encourage folks who believe in the importance of our students’ education and who have the ability to serve to file for School Board in County Districts 1, 3, and 5. My particular concern is for District 3 where I served for 11 years until it was personally necessary for me to resign. Ann Sullivan, appointed to complete my third term, is not eligible to file for election in District 3 because she has since moved to another home outside of that district.
Serving on Cook County’s ISD 166 school board was a great privilege for me. Yes, of course there were challenges but there was also personal growth and satisfaction in a job well done during that time of service. I would be more than happy to answer any questions and discuss any concerns you may have about the possibility of your own service. Please contact me by phone at 387-1729 or email msanders@boreal.org.
Filing began on July 29 and ends on August 12, primary election day. How many things are more important than our young people? For their sake, do consider this role for yourself if you care and are able!
Mary Sanders
Now a District 2 resident
Grand Marais
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