Cook County News Herald

Forest Service planning rule roundtable to be held in Chicago

On February 24, 2010, USDA Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell announced a series of events intended to provide opportunities for public discussion on the development of a new Forest Service Land and Resource Management Planning Rule (planning rule). The Forest Service will host a national science forum, three national roundtables and nine regional roundtables— however the nearest roundtable to Cook County is in Chicago, IL.

Providing multiple opportunities for public participation ties directly to President Obama’s call for open government that is transparent, participatory and collaborative and illustrates Forest Service commitment to engage the public in the development of a new planning rule.

“We encourage broad participation in the creation of our new planning rule,” said Tidwell. “Through collaboration we will be able to better address the current and future needs of the National Forest System such as restoration, protecting watersheds, addressing climate change, sustaining local economies, improving collaboration, and working across landscapes.”

Following the meetings, notes will be posted on the planning rule website at planningrule to allow for further feedback. Summaries of the presentations and discussions in the science forum and roundtables, along with the individual comments received during the 60-day formal comment period on the Notice of Intent, will be used to develop the proposed rule and a draft environmental impact statement.

The first National Science Forum will be held March 29 – 30 in Washington, DC. Other national roundtables are scheduled to be held in Washington DC April 1 – 2, April 20 – 21, and May 11 – 12, 2010.

Nine regional roundtables will be held. The Superior National Forest falls in the Eastern Region (Region 9) for which roundtables are scheduled to be held in Chicago, IL, during the week of April 28 (exact date to be determined).

Webcasting may also be available for selected meetings; the Forest Service recommends that interested persons check the planning rule website at planningrule for the most up-to-date information.

In its effort to “encourage widespread participation,” the Forest Service is using new media tools in conjunction with the public meetings, including an Internet blog. The blog can be seen at http://blogs. However, entries to the blog are not accepted as comments during official comment periods.

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