Cook County News Herald

For the Love of a Card



Thanksgiving is over and now looms the biggest holiday of the year. Christmas. Time for addressing beautiful cards. I recently read a Facebook post about the proper addressing of cards and the adding of the plural to names. No more APOSTROPHE…ever. If the last name ends in A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, U, V, W or Y simply add an S. If the last name ends in S, X, Z, CH or SH add ES. The exception is names ending in CH, but the sound is K only add an S. I didn’t know until now that we were the HOLTHAUSES, but I would not have returned your card either way. If you have read previous columns, you already know that I love Christmas Cards. I have kept each and every card. I like both the Family photo cards and the store-bought. It is so nice to go through them, again and again, to see the changes over the years. Even the stamps are special.

Speaking of stamps, I know that the cost can make it really hard to keep the tradition of card sending. I have nothing against the post office but if I get a card now, I know the sender wanted me to have that card and all the more reason to keep it; 58 cents doesn’t seem like much as a single card but the cost of sending a handful can add up quickly. I understand why some friends write a Christmas letter as long as Santa’s belt. It’s the only letter they send all year! Some letters start in January and give you a monthly update. My favorite is the humorous letters like those written from the point of view of the dog or cat in the house. My dogs would have a lot to say about our daily life I am sure, so I keep the computer password a secret from them.



All I can say is this, if you decide to send beloved Christmas cards this year I would love to be on your list. If you only send them to your closest friends and family I understand. You can send me well wishes with your heart. I will know. And if you can do nothing other than share the joy of a smile or a hug, please do. We live in some very odd times; we need all the support we can get. Let’s be there for one another! And PS. The safest way to send a plural card is to say “The Holthaus Family”. That’s my go-to. Hugs and Peace, Sandy

“Christmas is forever, not for just one day. For loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away.” “The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving.” “Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won’t make it white.”

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