Cook County News Herald

Food Shelf needs volunteers



In June 2009, the Cook County Food Shelf served 80 households — up from other months. Would you like to help out?

The Cook County Food Shelf could also use a few more volunteers. Someone is needed to pick up food at Johnson’s Big Dollar on a regular basis (at least once a week); and to put away the donations of food that are brought in.

Someone is needed twice a month to fill the “order for boxes” from Grand Portage and make the call to let them know it’s ready.

The Food Shelf is also again in need of grocery bags. Drop off at First Congregational Church between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Other opportunities are also available. To volunteer call Gwen or Bill at (218) 387-9860.

For more


or to volunteer

with the

Cook County

Food Shelf,


Gwen or Bill

(218) 387-9860

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