Cook County News Herald

Food shelf available for local families

It isn’t breaking news that people are struggling due to the nation’s economy. More people are in need of food assistance than ever before. If you need temporary assistance to feed your family, or you know someone who needs help, the Cook County Food Shelf is available, now with additional hours.

The Cook County Food Shelf is located in the lower level of the First Congregational Church at Second Street and Third Avenue in Grand Marais. The Food Shelf is open each and every Monday and will now be open the first Wednesday of each month, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Grand Marais location.

The Cook County Food Shelf can supply enough food for three days with a suggested menu for your household.

Grand Portage Human Services distributes bags or boxes of food on an asneeded basis in Grand Portage. Contact Becky at 475-2453 if needed.

TheFood Shelf is looking for a location and a volunteer on the West End of the county to help with future distribution needs there.

The Food Shelf can also provide assistance on federal programs that can help on a more long-term basis, such as the Nutritional Assistance Program for Seniors (NAPS), the MAC program for mothers with children up to five years old, and the WIC program for mothers with children from birth to age four.

For more information about the Food Shelf, call Bill Lenz at (218) 387-9860.

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