Cook County News Herald

Fishing report

Tyson at the Beaver House reports that people have been catching plenty of fish in the last week or so.

“The walleye bite has been strong. I know people have been catching their limits in Devil Track, Two Island, Hungry Jack, Sag, Sea Gull, Gunflint, Ball Club, Crescent, and Northern Light Lake.

A good choice of walleye baits are leeches or nightcrawlers attached to Beaver Flicks or other spoons. Plastic jigs also work well. Red attracts bass, and anything shiny attracts northern. Jigs, crankbaits, jerk baits, swimbaits, and live minnows also work well to attract and catch fish.

Angling on the Big Lake has been good, with nice takes of lake trout, steelhead, and even some coaster brook trout reportedly caught, says Tyson.

Cronberg cited several people who have reeled in four-to-five-pound lake trout off Artist Point or at the end of the Coast Guard lighthouse and some big brook trout have been taken from inside of the harbor.

“You don’t need a boat to fish in Lake Superior,” he says as a matter of fact. Anglers are also having good luck casting spoons in front of the mouths of larger rivers like Cascade, Poplar, Brule, and Temperance. Fish are being lured in by chartreuse-colored Beaver Flicks, silver and blue Little Cleo’s, and other spoons and artificial minnows.

Northern and bass are being caught with surface lures, poppers, torpedo’s, crawdads… said Tyson.

As for trout, folks are catching rainbow and lake trout in Mink Lake, Trout Lake and Kimball Lake, he said.

Stream fishing is picking up. You can use spinners and worms to catch a nice mess of brook trout. Take enough for a meal. These little beauties suffered terribly last summer when the creeks and rivers almost dried up. Let’s give them a chance to catch up and return to more normal numbers.

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