Cook County News Herald

Federal investigation into criminal sexual conduct case begins

Joel Ray Allard, 36, Grand Portage, arrested on September 6, 2012 for alleged sexual contact or attempted contact with minor females, sexual predatory behavior and inappropriate photographs of a sexual nature involving minor females, is facing possible federal charges. The announcement of potential federal involvement was made at the Wednesday, January 24 Omnibus Hearing at the Cook County Courthouse.

During the brief hearing before Sixth District Judge Michael Cuzzo, Assistant County Attorney (ACA) Molly Hicken disclosed that the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are also investigating charges against Allard. A federal indictment would take precedence in the case, however Hicken said the state could continue its case once the federal case is resolved.

ACA Hicken asked that the Omnibus Hearing be continued for six weeks to give federal officials time to act. Defense attorney John Lind agreed to the continuance and it was scheduled for March 5, 2013. Hicken requested that Allard remain in state custody unless the federal system gets involved. Allard remains incarcerated at Aitkin County Jail.

Lind said that if Cook County intends to actively prosecute the case that the proper discovery process continue with evidence to be made available by the county attorney. Cuzzo asked Hicken to continue with the discovery process as necessary and she agreed.

Hicken said that she would be meeting with FBI agents at the end of January.

Allard is facing two counts of felony criminal sexual predatory conduct, two counts of felony conduct, two counts of felony false imprisonment, two counts of gross misdemeanor criminal sexual conduct and one count of criminal sexual conduct in the second degree. The charges involve three girls under the age of 13.

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