Cook County News Herald

February Business Networking Luncheon focuses on wellness

Kristin DeArruda Wharton of Sawtooth Mountain Clinic will discuss the value of creating a healthy worksite environment at Cook County Higher Education’s February Business Networking Luncheon, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at Higher Ed’s North Shore Campus, 300 West Third Street in Grand Marais.

Wharton, RN/PHN, will offer examples of what employers are doing locally that is effective in creating a healthy work environment. Her examples range from lactation breaks for nursing moms to embracing an “active tourism” image. Wharton also will solicit feedback on what those attending are doing to promote a healthy environment. She will explain how the clinic and the Statewide Health Improvement Program (she is the local SHIP coordinator) can support Cook County businesses in creating healthier worksites.

In keeping with the health theme, the luncheon will be catered by Beth and Carl Foster of Grand Marais Fusion. The describe the menu as: “creamy chicken soup with black beans, corn and Greek yogurt; healthy smoothie (mixed berry or raspberry truffle); fresh fruit salad with dip and trail mix; herbal green tea, raspberry or lemon, and mango flavored herbal aloe drink (4 ounce shot) for digestive issues.”

The Fosters are donating the meal. Higher Ed will in turn donate all profit from the luncheon to the Cook County Food Shelf, as the Fosters have requested.

To register for the February 27 luncheon, email or call (218) 387-3411. Registrations must be received by 4 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 25.

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