Cook County News Herald

Exciting new collaboration for Borealis Chorale and North Shore Music Association

A long tradition of community concerts continues on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Grand Marais. The concert, under direction of Bill Beckstrand, is the first collaboration between the Borealis Chorale and the North Shore Music Association.

A long tradition of community concerts continues on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Grand Marais. The concert, under direction of Bill Beckstrand, is the first collaboration between the Borealis Chorale and the North Shore Music Association.

As the next concert approaches on Sunday, March 24, 7 p.m. at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, the Borealis Chorale & Orchestra has announced a new collaboration with the North Shore Music Association.

Since Ora Wilcox started the Symphonium Music Club in the Cook County of the 1950s, many talented and devoted members of the community have sustained the fine tradition of choral music in Cook County. Under the direction of B.J. Muus from 1980-2010, the club flourished. In 2010, accomplished composer, musician and director, Bill Beckstrand became director, and the name changed to Borealis Chorale & Orchestra (BCO). Under Beckstrand’s direction, the BCO has continued the treasured tradition of Christmas-season concerts, and in 2011 added an Easter-season concert as well.

The North Shore Music Association (NSMA) formed as a nonprofit arts organization in 1986 with a mission to present high-quality music and foster music education and cultural enrichment in our community. In pursuit of its mission, NSMA has produced more than 300 concerts, dances and workshops (in local schools and communities), covering a wide-range of musical genres and artists from around the nation and world, as well as local talent.

The two groups are collaborating to expand opportunities for community participation in choral and orchestral music with BCO and to broaden the reach of the NSMA as a sponsor of performance and participation in high-quality musical arts and music education.

The importance and value of the BCO in our community is clearly revealed in the more than 100 members of our community who contribute their talents as singers and musicians to these productions, devoting eight weeks of rehearsal for each concert. Its value is also evident in the wide community of appreciators, who by the hundreds eagerly anticipate and attend the concerts.

The BCO/NSMA collaboration allows the groups to invite and encourage all who wish to help cover the considerable expense of producing the concerts to make a tax-deductible charitable contribution. Becoming a NSMA member is yet another way to support this exciting new collaboration. Membership information can be found at

In addition, BCO and NSMA are thrilled to announce a pledge from Chorale members and advocates Richard and Peggy Struck. In memory of their son, they have established the Robert M. Struck Faith in Music Endowment Fund within NSMA, to honor Robert’s commitment to faith and ministry and “to encourage and support the continuation of the Borealis Chorale & Orchestra in Cook County.” Interest earned by the endowment will be available to sustain the BCO. The Strucks’ pledge is that, over the next few years, they will donate up to $15,000 to the endowment. They encourage others to join them in funding the endowment so that Borealis may flourish as an asset to Cook County.

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