Cook County News Herald

Everything but the kitchen sink



The messy pile before me is enormous and took all morning to sort. A myriad of summer clothing sprawls across my bed. T-shirts, denim shorts and flip-flops… What to bring on vacation? How many longsleeved T’s? Will I really wear shorts? Within half an hour, I’m exhausted from gnashing my teeth and pulling my hair.

After the invention of Space Bags:

I pull the compressed plastic bag labeled “spring vacation” from the storage dresser, gently slide the sealed top open and shake out an array of warm-weather clothes. I pack them into the RV and my chore is finished, so I sit down and sip a cup of chamomile tea.

Maybe these scenarios are a bit exaggerated, but Space Bag Storage Packs have been one of the best household inventions anyone could ever wish for.

What am I—a little old lady, living on the North Shore of Lake Superior—doing with such high-tech space equipment? Somewhere, at one of the gift shops along Highway 61, I happened to be chatting to its extremely busy owner, and as we discussed housecleaning, normally a dull topic, she mentioned using space Space Bags would “triple my bags. “They’re wonderful,” storage space!” Would these she remarked, “and you’ll be bulky items shrink that much? amazed at how much you can Doubtfully following instructions, pack away.” I pressed the vacuum

Never one to let a suggestion cleaner “on” switch to suck on making life easier pass out the air. It worked! With a by, I bought several boxes the whoosh, the large cumbersome next time I roamed the aisles of bag of bedding suddenly compressed Sam’s Club. down to a small, flat packet.

These items aren’t really high-tech rocket science, just a It was amazing. I wouldn’t practical use of plastic bags and say my life was changed, but vacuum cleaners. I have no idea Space Bags were really nice. how these handy storage bags That was the beginning. were created, or why. Maybe Soon I was Space Bagging for the space station? Maybe sweaters, jackets. Even my for the astronauts’ underwear bulky down-filled winter coat (when we had astronauts), but could be sucked down to a whatever the reason, they are a small packet. wonderful invention. During my second season

My first experience was lifechanging, of Space Bagging, I discovered sort of. Following the efficiency of labeling packets. directions, I folded a large comforter During my third season, and two smaller blankets, I discovered the joy of Space placed them in the bag, making Bagging almost anything and sure not to pack above the fill everything. Hmmm…maybe a lines, and zipped it shut. husband?

Now came the part I found hard to believe. According to the print blurb on the box, she mentioned using space Space Bags would “triple my bags. “They’re wonderful,” storage space!” Would these she remarked, “and you’ll be bulky items shrink that much? amazed at how much you can Doubtfully following instructions, pack away.” I pressed the vacuum

Never one to let a suggestion cleaner “on” switch to suck on making life easier pass out the air. It worked! With a by, I bought several boxes the whoosh, the large cumbersome next time I roamed the aisles of bag of bedding suddenly compressed Sam’s Club. down to a small, flat packet.

These items aren’t really high-tech rocket science, just a It was amazing. I wouldn’t practical use of plastic bags and say my life was changed, but vacuum cleaners. I have no idea Space Bags were really nice. how these handy storage bags That was the beginning. were created, or why. Maybe Soon I was Space Bagging for the space station? Maybe sweaters, jackets. Even my for the astronauts’ underwear bulky down-filled winter coat (when we had astronauts), but could be sucked down to a whatever the reason, they are a small packet. wonderful invention. During my second season

My first experience was lifechanging, of Space Bagging, I discovered sort of. Following the efficiency of labeling packets. directions, I folded a large comforter During my third season, and two smaller blankets, I discovered the joy of Space placed them in the bag, making Bagging almost anything and sure not to pack above the fill everything. Hmmm…maybe a lines, and zipped it shut. husband?

Now came the part I found hard to believe. According to the print blurb on the box,

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