Cook County News Herald

Electoral college should be changed

Of course, I expected a response from Lloyd Gellinger; he has as little tolerance for truth as his hero in the White House. Too bad, though, he too doesn’t limit himself to Twitter responses with 140 characters; more than enough, in fact, to convey what little he understands about the meaning of America; instead, we are buried in useless altright musings.

As to the “4-star general” comment, it was a quote lifted directly from his original blurb. Personally, I don’t care how many stars Flynn wears, he lied and is out.

For the rest of his blather about details in my last post, I will leave it to readers to go back to both our posts, re-read them and draw your own conclusions. Rather than dialogue, Mr. Geillinger seems predisposed to defending defenseless positions: the daily Twitter of the moron in the White House gets enough press to raise questions of his sanity, his honesty (or lack thereof), and about his basic fitness and incompetence for the office.

I am concerned, however, for the tone of the defenders of the POTUS, that they seem not to seek any accommodation whatsoever of the larger portion of the electorate, at best they simply delegitimize any of our thoughts or reasoning, to dismiss us as being enemies of the nation rather than a legal opposition party. Even to questioning the votes we cast as though they should not count, that we vote illegally or cheat in other ways, when the truth is our elections are honest, that fraudulent voting is all but non-existent. The electoral college is an anachronism, and it does possess elements that otherwise would be considered election fraud; yes it is the rule, but it has demonstrated twice within the last 10 or more elections to give us a president that was not supported by the general population, this time by a seemingly insurmountable number. Of course, it would, and should, raise questions as to its value.

I actually feel sorry for Mr. Geillinger, sorry he cannot understand that we, who do not agree with his nationalism and his fake patriotism, do have a voice, and we will use it. This election did not end elections, and it did not cement for any time the values of his fellow adherents; in winning the office they also need to sell their programs, they are not automatic. No, the only thing automatic when one political group wins is that the opposing political groups will return to regain their leadership.

Last, I have no idea who this “Jack” is nor care where Lloyd may have met him, but apparently, it is the one thing he knows.

Jerry Hiniker

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