On Thursday, October 18, WTIP will be offering another election forum featuring Grand Marais mayoral candidates, incumbent Larry “Bear” Carlson and challenger Adam Harju. The mayoral candidates will be on the air from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. with WTIP’s Jay Andersen and News-Herald editor Rhonda Silence. They will be followed by the candidates running for vacant seats on the School District 166 board, Lorrinda “Sissy” Lunde and Ed Bolstad from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Tune in to WTIP at 90.7 Grand Marais; 90.1 Grand Portage; or 91.7 Gunflint Trail on the night of the forums to hear from the candidates. Questions for candidates may be e-mailed in advance of the broadcast to the wtip@boreal.org. The General Election is November 6, however mail ballots will be sent out soon.
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