Cook County News Herald

Easter Egg Fundraiser for Cook County kids

The Easter Egg Hunt at the Cook County Community Center takes place no matter what the weather is like. These little girls, at a previous event, didn’t mind the snow at all!

The Easter Egg Hunt at the Cook County Community Center takes place no matter what the weather is like. These little girls, at a previous event, didn’t mind the snow at all!

Looking for some fun to have with your kids or grandkids for Easter? Everyone is invited to the Cook County Community Center from 9:00 a.m. until noon, Saturday, March 30 for indoor ice skating, visits and photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny, brunch, a cake decorating contest and silent auction, raffle with prizes over $600, PEEP eating contest, kids activities and much, much, more! The outdoor Easter Egg Hunt will take place at 10 a.m.—rain, sun or snow!

The cost is $5 per child or $10 for a family.

This an annual fundraiser held by Cook County KIDS PLUS to support youth activities in Cook County. Together with Cook County Community Education and Extension, they support After School Adventures for youth, leadership training for middle school youth, opportunities for youth to learn beginning job skills through the Incredible Exchange and Incredible Internship programs, and underwrite a Summer KIDS Camp and other enrichment programs. All funds raised stay to support youth in Cook County.

Interested in entering our cake-decorating contest? Drop off your decorated cake at the Cook County Community Center on Friday, March 29 or early Saturday morning before 9:00 a.m. for judging. All cakes donated are available in a silent auction.

The cake receiving the highest bid will win first place with second and third place awarded according to the funds raised. Winners will receive a free 2013 Cook County KIDS Plus coupon book that is good for discounts at participating businesses.

Cakes or other goodies are also needed for the cakewalk. Folks are encouraged to drop their donations off any time before 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 30.

Two great prize packages valued at $320 each are being raffled off at noon on March 30. You do not need to be present to win. Raffle tickets are available at Buck’s Hardware Hank, Holiday Station Store in Grand Marais, Super America and the Grand Marais Dairy Queen.

Come celebrate spring and have fun with your friends and neighbors for a great cause—our kids!

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