You are invited to partake in a delectable array of taste samples from 12-plus Cook County restaurants and food vendors; bid on any of the quality silent auction items donated by local businesses and individuals; and enjoy fine musical entertainment while socializing with fellow supporters of the ISD 166, Cook County Schools.
E.A.T.S. 2013 (Enriching Academics Through Sustenance) will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 14 at the high school. Only 150 tickets will be sold; the cost is $25.
Tickets are available in the K-12 office, from Java Moose, Blue Water Café or any CCSDEF board member: Hal Greenwood, Hyla Napadensky, Duane Hasegawa, Lorelei Livingston, Harry Drabik, Pat Campanaro, Doug Sanders, Kaye Tavernier, Dianne Peterson, Annie DeBevec, Gene Erickson or Susan Lappi. Thrivent Financial, North Shore Chapter 31313, will match the first $600 raised.
The Cook County School District 166 Education Foundation awards grants to projects and activities that provide extraordinary educational opportunities for students in the district. Over
$72,000 in grants have been awarded since 2002.
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