Cook County News Herald

Dreams of Sweden



I recently planned a ten-day vacation in Orebro, Sweden to visit my friend Mary who recently moved there with her family. I bought three books; How to be Swedish: A Quick Guide to Swedishness in 55 Steps, My First Book About Sweden: A Child’s Picture Guide and Sweden Culture Smart: The Essential Guide to Customs and Culture. I was ready. I would avoid all embarrassing behavior. I would not say Hi and tell my life story to each and every person I met. I defiantly would not be a hugger while in the country and I had planned to use the name Sandy Svensson just to fit in.

I was at the airport, fully packed. One side of my checked bag held my clothes and essentials while the other half was filled with treats not available in Sweden. Malted Milk Balls. Kit Kats. Hidden Valley Ranch dressing in a family-size bottle and Aunt Jemima Syrup under the new branding of Pearl Milling Company. I also had handmade and handpicked gifts for the entire family. Mary, her husband Magnus, and her girls Kajsa and Annika had made a schedule for my entire stay. I was dropped at the airport early morning and ready for my 16-hour air travel to get to Stockholm and fully prepared for the 2-hour train ride after that. Leaving on Saturday morning would get me there Sunday afternoon.



Imagine my surprise when the gate agent shook her head and said, “I can’t let you on the plane.” My first thought was that she was kidding or surely there must be a way to fix this in the next three hours before boarding. The problem was my passport was due to expire May 28th, 81 days after my return date of March 8th. It has to be a full 90 days valid AFTER your air travel. I was nine days short! I cried. The help desk was called three times for an exception. No. They spoke with my “brother-inlaw” (not really) in Sweden. No change. I ugly cried all the way home and then I ate the Malted Milk Balls for comfort. Not all is lost. I was able to get a 12-month extension on my ticket and plan to reboard sometime in May. Until then I will study my books and maybe pick up a word or two of Swedish. Hugs and Peace to you, Sandy

”Familjen är ett av naturens mästerverk.”

“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.”

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