Cook County News Herald

Dragon Boat race volunteers needed

The North Shore Dragon Boat Festival 2009 will be held July 23-26. In addition to powerful (or not so powerful) paddlers, volunteers are needed to provide safe and fun Dragon Boating in the Grand Marais harbor.

Volunteers are needed to serve as:

Lane marshal: These folks stand at the lane’s dock where teams load and disembark. Their job is to insure a safe transition of each team between heats. The marshals work in conjunction with the head Marshal Dave Tersteeg. According to Dragon Boat officials, it’s a fun job with lots of people interaction.

Boat bailers and marshaling assistant: within the marshalling group, and on the docks with the Dragon Boats, the festival needs boat-bailers who can assist the lane marshals with managing the throughput of teams and boats. Between six and nine volunteers who could take a one to two hour shift in rotation are needed.

Race officials: If you’ve never seen the start of a Dragon Boat race up close and personal, this is a great volunteer position to have. Your job would be to assure a fair and safe start for teams while watching for lane violations, checking for safety and helping the timing crew. Between three and four volunteers to rotate throughout the day are needed To volunteer, or for more information, call Greg Nichols at (218) 370-5909.

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