In giving reflective consideration to recent letters in the Cook County News Herald, I am certainly aware of observing right here in our local communities the value of being able to speak or write about what one believes. You know the issues you are passionate about. You are free to discuss such in the letters to the editor page of the paper. Whether you are speaking the truth that many believe in, or not, you are free to express your own opinion or declare your knowledge regarding what info you are sharing.
Now, please reread this above paragraph once more.
Yes! This is a very important election year for us all! Depending on how you view what you just reread, you may be determined to hope you will always have the rights you now possess.
But, there are those who wish to change our opportunities of freedom and our American way of life that we have worked toward and cherished for so long. We need to be more fully aware of what may be taken away from us!
With that in mind, I am asking you to attend the local Republican Caucus, which is going to be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 7 p.m. at The Hub (Senior Center), 10 Broadway, in Grand Marais. Registration begins at 6 p.m. Please note the ads in the January 25 News Herald and the February issue of Northern Wild.
Here you will be able to seek the opportunity to be a delegate to our local Republican GOP (Grand Old Party) Basic Political Operating Unit Convention. The convention will be held at The Hub (Senior Center) on Tuesday, March 10. Because there is a Presidential Primary Election on Super Tuesday, March 3, we will not be voting our choice for President as we did in 2016 at the caucus.
We will be presenting and discussing resolutions to the Minnesota GOP Platform, as we may alter them or add new ones. Those resolutions will then be discussed at the convention and those that ‘Pass’ will go on to the 8th Congressional District Convention on March 18. The current platform can be found at
It is a very comprehensive document, you will realize the thought that goes into its creation and how these ideas may move onto legislation…grassroots at work!
There will be a discussion about the need for Election Judges and Poll Challengers at the Polls on Election Day, November 3.
Again, in 2020, the Legislature allows each person, or couple, to donate $50, or $100, to their local political unit or to a state candidate (not one for U.S. office). In filling out the official MN REV form for the PCR (Political Contribution Refund), you will be able to have your donation refunded back to you. The money is made available through this specifically funded account.
Please share this information with others who may need encouragement to learn more about their opportunities to make a difference in our local, state, and U.S. election outcomes!
Thank you for your consideration.
Mary Petz, Cook County GOP Chair
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