I would like to say the article Pelican perishes from lead poisoning, seemed to put the cart before the horse. The header was misleading in the fact that the poor bird was not proven to have died from lead poisoning, it was assumed.
The jury is still out on this one. Innocent until proven guilty, they say. Yes, the symptoms were there, but at the same time there are a lot of other diseases this could have been.
In most cases of this nature, I thought they send the bird or animal for testing to know for sure what the cause of death really was. It is unfair to the fishing public to assume it was caused by fishing tackle. The sportsman of this country gets blamed for a lot of things that seem to happen to wildlife. We are also the front line in conservation and the protecting of wildlife.
So please, in the future, make sure of the facts in the case before you write articles of this nature. Let’s not assume, that’s how gossip and labeling starts.
Don Hill
Lakeville, MN & West Twin Lake, Grand Marais
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