Cook County News Herald

DNR seeks comments on state park rules

If you camp in a state park, hunt in a state forest, or bicycle in a state recreation area, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) would like to hear from you by Sept. 30. The DNR also hopes to hear from geocachers, antler collectors, and others who visit Minnesota state parks, state forests, state recreation areas, and state waysides.

The DNR is considering rules and rule amendments that address new and emerging recreational activities and technologies, from camping in camper cabins to skijoring to gathering certain edible plants for personal consumption.

Among other things, proposed rule changes would provide for organized public activities; extend state park and recreation area hours of operation; change camping registration and campsite use requirements; permit seasonal lease of campsites; and allow physically disabled persons to use electric mobility devices on park trails.

In addition, proposed changes would identify recreational activities permitted in certain state recreation areas, including target shooting on shooting ranges, dog field trials, and dog training. Some of the proposed changes are technical and the result of a change in state statute. Others are intended to make recreation rules more consistent.

Proposed changes will create distinct and separate rules for state recreation areas and state parks.

The proposals are posted on the DNR Web site at (click on public input, then rulemaking, then request for comments). You are invited to suggest additional changes for the DNR to consider, as well.

Send comments by e-mail to recreationrules@; by mail to Recreation Rules Comments, Department of Natural Resources – Division of Parks and Trails, 500 Lafayette Rd., Box 39, St. Paul, Minn. 55155; or by fax to 651-296-1157.

The public review and comment period is open until 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30. For more information, contact Jade Templin toll-free at 1-800-657-3929) or

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