TheMinnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced that applications are available for a number of grants. Theyinclude grants for 2010 parks and trails Legacy funds; regional parks outside the metro area; natural and scenic areas; local trail connections, federal recreation trails, regional trails outside the metro area; public boat accesses; Metro Greenways community conservation assistance; and aquatic invasive species prevention.
These grants help local governments, organizations and individuals throughout the state create partnerships with the DNR to fund projects. Examples of some of the projects are natural area acquisition, trail connections or trails for longdistance travel, water-based recreational facilities, parks that provide regional natural resource-based recreation opportunities, habitat restoration and improvement, and other conservation projects.
Grant application information is available on the DNR Web site at www.mndnr. gov. For more information, contact the grant staff listed in the program descriptions.
To obtain the application packet by mail, write to Local Grants Program, Department of Natural Resources, Office of Management and Budget Services, Box 10, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4010.
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