Cook County News Herald

DNR reminds bear hunters of rules

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conservation officers are asking hunters to review the rules as the black bear hunting season proceeds.

“During my initial inspections, I found bear baiting stations that had not been registered with the DNR within 24 hours of being established, or lacking a bear bait sign within 20 feet of the bait,” said Conservation Officer Paul Parthun of Lake George.

Bear bait signs must contain the full name, Minnesota DNR number, and Minnesota driver’s license number (or the full name, address, and telephone number) of the person placing the bait.

“Bait” is anything placed for the purpose of attracting or attempting to attract bears. A bear “bait station” is any location where bait is placed for the purpose of hunting.

Tips for bear hunting include:

»»Bears taken may be of either sex or any

age except that bear cubs may not be

taken. Cub bears are defined as bears less

than one year old.

»»Anyone who takes a bear must tag it

using the site tag that comes with his or

her bear hunting license.

»»Hunters are required to validate the site

tag by punching out or marking with a pen the date of the kill, the sex of the

bear, and whether taken by firearms or


»»Anyone who takes a bear must present

it for registration at a bear registration station within 48 hours after taking, and they must obtain a Big Game Possession Tag. »»Every person who kills a bear must

submit a tooth sample to the DNR. The

information from bear teeth is used to

monitor bear populations.

»»Legal shooting hours are one-half hour

before sunrise to one-half hour after


For complete information on black bear hunting in Minnesota consult the 2009 Black Bear Hunting Information Booklet or the online version at: http://files.dnr. bear/2009_bear_booklet.pdf.

Bear season runs through October 18.

Bear season continues
At press time, the following bears had been registered at local stations:
Buck’s Hardware Grand Marais 51
Lockport General Store Lutsen 8
Windigo Lodge GunflintTrail 4
Hovland Post Office Hovland 3
Mike’s Holiday T ofte 38

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