If you are a parent interested in learning more about helping your child get into college, come to Cook County Higher Ed’s North Shore Campus at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 23 for an hour and a half discussion of the college planning process.
You will learn about the different types of colleges, how to select and apply to colleges, how to prepare for college, and how to pay for college. It is not too early to start planning for your high school freshman, and not too late for your high school senior. Bring your questions to this highly interactive event.
Featured speakers include Haley Brickner, director of education at the Grand Portage Department of Education; Bryan Hackbarth, high school counselor; and Kirstin van den Berg, director of education at Cook County Higher Education.
For more information call Cook County Higher Education at 387-3411 or email highered@northshorecampus.org. Preregistration is helpful, but not required. Free college planning materials will be available. This event is free of charge and all are welcome to attend.
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