The change of seasons—cooler weather, less daylight—can be a hard time for some people. Long gray days can be tiring. Do you know the symptoms of depression? Do you know the difference between a little sadness over the end of summer and depression?
The Human Development Center in Grand Marais offers the following warning signs: . Feeling sad or blue much of the time . Sleep problems – too much, too little . Food issues – eating too little or too much, weight gain or loss . Irritable or grouchy much of the time . Difficulty concentrating, focusing, or paying attention . Feeling worthless or misunderstood . Losing interest, dropping out, or not having energy for former activities . Restlessness, difficulty staying still . Physical complaints, digestive problems, headaches, stomachaches . Suicidal thoughts, or ever having attempted suicide
If you have three or more of these symptoms, PLEASE get screened for depression. There are a number of caring, professional Mental Health Practitioners in Cook County with whom you can talk. Contact the Human Development Center at (218)387-9444 or the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic at (218)387-2330 to find one who can help you.
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