Cook County News Herald




I hate to admit this, but I feel like the world is closing in. There’s just TOO much bad news! On my morning walk the other day I felt so demoralized that I had to counsel myself to focus on the pines towering beside the road and appreciate the magnificent world I live in.

It helped for a few minutes, though it only deterred my dilemma. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the environmental disaster we’ve created, and the Supreme Court leak have wreaked havoc with my psyche—fogged my rose-colored glasses. And then there’s our post-winter flooding, the price of gas, escalating prices…

Oh, what to do? How to cope?


The first thing I need to do is take action where I can. There’s absolutely no sense in sitting around feeling miserable. I may not be able to control Devil Track Lake’s high water submerging my entire front yard, but I can start some tomato and marigold seeds indoors. The anticipation of sweet cherry tomatoes and blossoms is an upper.

As for the Russian invasion, I’ll make a few more donations. I sent money to Doctors Without Borders last month, and I have extra funds this month which should go to people in greater need than I am. I sent a check to Dennis Krevechenko (PO Box 52, GM 55604), who forwards money to friends and relatives struggling in Ukraine. I also donated online to the World Central Kitchen, which provides meals for Ukrainian families fleeing their homes. Feeling better…

So, what can I do about the environment? I’m recycling, hauling #5 plastics to Ladysmith (where they’re accepted), and using laundry detergent sheets rather than buying detergent in plastic bottles. I’m driving a hybrid vehicle, and I try not to make too many trips to town. (Love the days I don’t have to drive in!) I need to do more, though. I sign petitions online, and I need to be more diligent about minimizing waste. I guess every little bit helps.

As for the Supreme Court leak, I’m going to follow my conscience, as we all should. The Obamas wrote an excellent piece on, where they urged us to make our voices heard—through demonstrating, writing to congressional representatives, and volunteering for candidates who support our side of the abortion issue. Sitting by and worrying about it will accomplish nothing. We need to use our votes to make our voices heard.


In addition to taking action, I need to take steps to calm down, to center myself, to relax. I know it’s important to keep up to date on the news, but I have to limit my exposure to it. Yesterday I switched from MPR news to classical music, and I could actually feel my shoulders relax. We all need to be measured in our exposure to this devastating news.

Taking a walk always clears my mind, too. Have you ever returned from a walk and wished you hadn’t wasted your time? Doubtful. Fresh air and exercise do us good in many ways, and even a very short walk does wonders to put things into perspective.

Deep breathing and stretching are other ways I like to de-stress. They all serve to increase oxygen and blood flow in our bodies, and who can deny the value of that? I know meditation is another great relaxer, but I’ve never been successful at it. I think I’m just too antsy. Sad, isn’t it?

There are other de-stressing techniques: talk things through with a friend, relax in the bathtub, cuddle a pet, work outside, listen to music, take a nap, escape in a book, watch a movie…

I’m making an effort to clear my rose-colored glasses. What about you?

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