Cook County News Herald

Deer Hunters Association accepting deer hides

The local Arrowhead Chapter of the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association is collecting deer hides again this year during the rifle hunting season. Money raised from the sale of hides is used for youth hunter Forkhorn Camp scholarships and local habitat improvement projects. This summer five local boys and girls were given scholarships to attend a Forkhorn Camp.

This year bright orange collection boxes are located at the Holiday Station Store in Tofte, Runningen’s Retail Store in Hovland and Buck’s Hardware in Grand Marais.

Hunters are reminded to be sure to remove the heads and legs from the hides they donate. Do not leave hides in plastic bags. Hides will spoil if left in plastic bags.

Hide boxes will be removed after Thanksgiving. Thanks to all of the hunters who donate their deer hides to this worthy project.

For more information call (218) 387-1868.

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