Cook County News Herald

Daylight savings gives us another hour



Soon daylights savings will be adding an extra hour to our week. I was thinking on an ordinary day what can I accomplish in an hour? It turns out I can do a lot if I have a time limit. Make my bed. Empty the dishwasher. Do a load of laundry. Vacuum the floor. Of course, I am running around like a maniac for 60 minutes, usually in my pajamas, but I can accomplish something productive. In an hour I can do more than if I have an entire day. Isn’t that funny? If I have the entire 8 hours my day looks something like this…cuddle with my dogs, check Facebook, call my mom, drink some tea, read a magazine. Sure I clean a bathroom here and there but for the most part, I do less in 8 hours of “free” time than I do with an additional 60 minutes of “push” time.

I guess I have always liked the feeling of getting things done when they “have” to be done. I start cooking at 6 p.m. for dinner at 6:30. I write my column only hours before my deadline. (Sorry, Editors) And I only start packing for a trip the day before. But to balance that I am a LIST MAKER. I learned this from my mother. Make lists for everything. I make a list before I drive to town, so I don’t get halfway home realizing I forgot to stop at the hardware store for a lightbulb. With the holidays coming up I’ve already started a Thanksgiving Menu and a Christmas Shopping list. These lists will be modified until I think I have it right.



Our family will once again be doing a homemade gift exchange. Everyone brings something they made themselves and didn’t spend more than $20.00 on materials. This has been amazing fun for our family. You can tell some relatives burn up Pinterest for unique and fun ideas. Last year I made a beautiful lavender candle in a wooden bowl. I hated to give it up! I will suggest to Mike and the boys they use their extra hour to get busy making a gift for the exchange.

This Thanksgiving we will be hosting a variety of dietary requirements from Keto to Vegan. Quite the extreme if you know anything about either meal plan. I like a challenge and now I know what I will do with my extra hour… recipe hunting! I wish Happy Holidays to you and your Family. May there be joy at your table. Hugs and Peace, Sandy

“Fall is my second favorite F word. Food is my first.”

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