Cook County News Herald

Counting my blessings



My parents recently moved from the North Shore town of Schroeder to South Haven. They plan to stay until next spring or until my Dad can get his left foot under him, literally. He is doing great with lots of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and just plain family love. It is both a blessing and a curse to live with my Mom and Dad again. A gift because they are fantastic people. Lots of fun to play cards and watch game shows and overall great attitudes. A curse because my Dad loves ice cream as much as I do. Although he has eaten ice cream for 30 days straight, he lost 22 pounds! I have had a “smidge” size bowl, just to be polite, and I have gained ten pounds. Unfair!

The additional blessings have been too numerous to count. My Jersey neighbor delivered five pints of ice cream on day one. Along with a crock pot roast left cooking in the kitchen by a sweet friend that we turned into a medley of meals. (Recipes shared here.) Gift cards for Dairy Queen and Keeks came in two of the numerous birthday cards sent to celebrate Dad’s 83rd birthday on September 8th. Cash donations with notes to buy ice cream have also been received. A lake neighbor delivered a lattice apple pie and a loaf of chocolate chip banana bread in person. I can’t begin to say how much I appreciate every one of you reaching out. You have made my heart sing with joy.



A man from Annandale gifted my Dad with an electric motorized wheelchair, allowing him to move quickly from room to room and even take the Anchor Dock and Lift ramp down to the front yard by himself. For a man to go from building a house one day to losing his mobility the next is heartbreaking. These blessings have changed his life and our family for the better. We are grateful for each, and every day we have with each other. And blessed by each of you as the wonderful friends you have been to us. Hugs and peace, Sandy.

“If you’re worried and you can’t sleep Just count your blessings instead of sheep And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings” ~ Irving Berlin

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