Cook County News Herald

Cooking for Everyone



I grew up meat and potatoes. Every night my mom would cook some kind of meat, peel potatoes for the pressure cooker and open a can of vegetables. That was with a pitcher of Kool-Aid, and we were ready for dinner. Of course, we had homemade soups, stews, and spaghetti, but that was as crazy as we got. I remember the very first time I ate a taco. Our family was invited to visit friends, and it was very festive. I hosted a fondue party in the 80s with cheese sauce and hot oil. Yummy with pieces of meat that seemed to take forever to cook.

For a while, I did not eat pork, but I missed bacon. Then I decided to go to the extreme and become a vegetarian. I missed tuna, salmon, burgers, and steaks, but I went meatless for about five years. Even when I had Zoe, I decided by baby would also not eat meat. I thought I was doing well making my baby food for her until one day, I walked into daycare, and she was eating mashed potatoes with hamburger gravy. That ended our vegetarian life.



Once married, I cooked various food because I loved reading cookbooks. (My first training to becoming a cooking columnist.) My husband patiently ate my successes along with my failures. Our kids tried everything, and then they had a peanut butter sandwich if they didn’t like it. I’ve attempted Keto and several other options. My daughter is now vegan, and it’s been fun cooking for her. I had never tried Gluten Free recipes until I prepared the Annandale Improvement Club luncheon last week. Seeing if I could make a delicious soup, dessert, and bread entirely gluten free was fun. I gave it a shot, and several asked for my recipes, so I thought I would share them with you. It’s good to try something new now and then. Hugs and Peace, Sandy

“Variety’s the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour.” -William Cowper

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