The week of March 29, 2010, a community member wondered how much money the county has spent so far on pursuing fiber optic infrastructure. Here is County Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers’ answer:
“The county received a grant from Blandin Foundation for $35,000 for this work. The grant required a $35,000 match. The county pledged $15,000; Boreal Access, $10,000; and Arrowhead Electric Cooperative, $10,000 to make the match.
“To date the county has spent $32,472.07 of the total $70,000 authorized ($35,000 Blandin plus $35,000 match). To date we have received $35,000 from Blandin and $15,000 from Boreal Access plus a donation of $750 from the Gunflint Trail Association.
“We will not receive the match directly from Arrowhead Electric because they spent their portion directly during the application process. …At some point we will have to report all of this activity, including Arrowhead Electric Cooperative’s match, to Blandin.
“I don’t believe anyone has calculated staff time spent. I think it is primarily Danna MacKenzie’s time.” Powers said the grant does not reimburse for staff time. When asked what the money spent so far has paid for, Powers said, “Primarily the consulting firm that created the bulk of our application and some legal advice.”
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