Picture Cook County residents transported to colonial times. The residents would be so worried about British feelings (politically correct), they might not like us if we say or do anything against them. We would have had our hands out asking for a hand out, and the colonialist (Cook County residents) would not have survived, and they would not be given what they asked for. We would never have become the wonderful country we did.
Our ancestors stood up for right and the truth, in the end they wrote the Constitution which has brought us through two centuries. Starting in the 1940s greed and the thirst for power came into play and our county started going downhill. Lying to get what was wanted became acceptable. In my book the truth is still the truth, not some shade of gray or a complete lie.
When politicians lie to us and become the most popular candidate, that doesn’t say much for our morality does it? When news anchors lie to us and we accept it, when schools teach the Quran and children are told to make prayer rugs, and we are not allowed to mention Christianity or Judea religion in school, something has gone desperately wrong.
Now, that our ancestors had the back bone to earn this wonderful land and freedoms, by shedding blood and standing up for what they believed in, why are we so willingly giving up the land they fought so hard for and shed blood for, to the government, and ultimately to the One World Order, through zoning, and obligations agreed to through almost every grant applied for, grants the government is pushing down our throats?
How many meeting have you attended recently where a grant was mentioned? This free money is not free. It either came from taxes paid, or a business who has sold a product or service and our money has paid for it. Perhaps the product or services were overpriced if so much money was accumulated. Government doesn’t have money without taxing its citizens. If the government has so much money, I say we are over taxed.
Marion McKeever
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