It is the policy of the Cook County News-Herald to withhold the identities of individuals in Cook County Law Enforcement briefs. When court proceedings are complete, the Cook County News-Herald publishes a complete accounting of names and penalties in its Matters of Record.
Tuesday, February 2
1:04 a.m. Old Mineral Center: Old Highway 61, Public
assistance requested. Tow needed to pull out a one
ton dually pickup truck with camper at the Beargrease
Mineral Center check point. Tow service contacted.
6:37 a.m. Gunflint Trail: LEC, Officer initiated contacts.
Level 2 sex offender has moved into Cook County,
notifications were given to all county schools, preschools, Head Start programs, daycares, and the YMCA.
7:41 a.m. Grand Marais: West Fifth Street. STOP arm
violation called in by Bus Seven. A child was stepping
into the bus at the time of the violation.
7:56 a.m. Gunflint Trail: LEC, Public assistance. Caller
reported that a vehicle was on its side at Three Bridges
Road near Rydel Road. Caller was transferred to Saint
Louis County.
12:34 p.m. Walter Road: Public assistance. Caller
reported that AT&T had been calling them from
number XXX and was worried that it was a scam.
AT&T was contacted, they were trying to change a
satellite dish so it would be compatible with the caller’s
TV. Caller was advised to check with AT&T customer
service to verify the situation. Caller was reminded that
218-387-3030 is the non-emergency call number for
county law enforcement.
Wednesday, February 3
12:55 p.m. Gunflint Trail: Gunflint Lake, Snowmobile
accident. A snowmobile with two people on it went
off the trail about 100 yards up from Gunflint Lodge.
Driver thought she was braking, but machine didn’t
slow down. Driver lost control of the sled, went off trail
and hit a tree. Two people were transported to North
Shore Health.
Friday, February 5
11:22 a.m. Lutsen: Ski Hill Road, Medical assistance.
Female, age 17, injured her right knee and ankle. She
was assisted by Ski Patrol and transported to North
Shore Health by ambulance.
Saturday, February 6
2:07 p.m. Gunflint Trail: Property lost/found. Caller
reported that a pull behind snowmobile trailer went
missing between the mill and the golf course on the
Gunflint Trail. It was a double trailer, silver color with
no front cover. As they back-tracked, they came across
all the items that were on the trailer that had fallen
off; but in the end, there was no trailer. The area was
patrolled multiple times but the trailer was not found.
Sunday, February 7
1:08 a.m. Grand Marais: Fourth Avenue West, Public
assistance. Caller was unable to get their furnace to start
even though it had fuel. They didn’t know who to call.
Como/NSOP (North Shore Oil and Propane) provided
the fuel, but do not offer after-hours service, so they
would not be able to help until Monday. Outdoor
temperatures were sub-zero. Dispatch gave caller other
numbers for local repair companies. Caller decided to
put out space heaters and call the repair companies later
in the morning.
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