It is the policy of the Cook County News-Herald to withhold the identities of individuals in Cook County Law Enforcement briefs. When court proceedings are complete, the Cook County News-Herald publishes a complete accounting of names and penalties in its Matters of Record.
Monday, July 7
11:41 a.m., Grand Marais: A digital camera was found
near the MnDOT garage.
12:29 p.m., Grand Marais: A sign on private property
was damaged.
2:48 p.m., Grand Portage: A young man wandering
around near the casino was arrested for probation
5:42 p.m., Grand Marais: Dog bite at Pincushion
Mountain Overlook.
6:40 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said a woman was
pushed out of a vehicle at Cascade River State Park, and
the driver drove away and left her there.
7:15 p.m., Grand Marais: A black pug was found near the
8:17 p.m., Grand Marais: Complaint about a big semi
idling across from Super America. A deputy asked the
driver to turn off the engine, and then at 11:03 p.m.
another semi pulled up next to the first one, and now the
new one is sitting there with its engine idling.
Tuesday, July 8
9:55 a.m., Grand Marais: A pair of prescription glasses
was found near the Point.
10:48 a.m., Grand Marais: Deer struck by a car near
Linnell Road.
10:52 a.m., Hovland: Suspicious activity/trespassing
3:35 p.m., Lutsen: Complaint about kids doing wheelies
on a dirt bike on Caribou Trail.
4:05 p.m., Grand Marais: Complaints about speeding
cars on Fifth Avenue West and the lower half of the
Gunflint Trail.
4:27 p.m., Grand Marais: A missing dog was determined
to be held at the pound, and released to its owner.
4:58 p.m., Grand Marais: Theft of a bicycle wheel worth
$40 was reported.
8:25 p.m., Schroeder: Speeding citation issued.
8:47 p.m., Grand Portage: Illegal fireworks complaint.
9:08 p.m., Grand Marais: Lost wallet reported, last seen
at the Dairy Queen.
9:30 p.m., Grand Marais: Lost keys reported, last seen at
the YMCA.
9:45 p.m., Grand Marais: Illegal fireworks complaint on
Cascade Beach Road.
Wednesday, July 9
3:05 a.m., Grand Marais: Complaint about a noisy semi
idling near Mangy Moose.
12:04 p.m., Grand Marais: Vehicle parked near the
Trading Post was backed into.
1:33 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller found and turned in two
live rounds of ammunition from a .38 special.
3:21 p.m., Tofte: Report of a big billow of smoke near the
Sawbill Trail.
4:57 p.m., Grand Marais: Forest Service worker reported
a weary shoeless hiker at the Kekekabic Trail head.
7:13 p.m., Tofte: Fire alarm at Surfside Resort.
10:38 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said there were eyes
about five feet off the ground staring at him through the
bedroom window; unknown what it was.
Thursday, July 10
1:03 p.m., Grand Marais: Complaint about a speeding
“crotch rocket” heading north on Trout Lake Road.
1:06 p.m., Tofte: Report of suspicious vehicles on
Leveaux Ridge.
7:22 p.m., Grand Marais: Report of a missing dog on
Third Avenue West.
Friday, July 11
12:54 a.m., Lutsen: Domestic altercation.
12:46 p.m., Grand Marais: A flat-bed trailer was blocking
the caller’s driveway since Tuesday night.
5:29 p.m., Tofte: Gas drive-off from Holiday.
7:57 p.m., Grand Portage: Animal welfare complaint.
9:56 p.m., Grand Marais: Illegal fireworks complaint.
10:34 p.m., Grand Marais: Traffic stop, driver cited for
exhibition driving.
Saturday, July 12
12:22 a.m., Grand Marais: Complaint about a group of
loud, drunk and obnoxious campers at the Rec Park.
1:37 a.m., Lutsen: Suspicious activity: There were three
guys in the caller’s driveway.
2:47 a.m., Schroeder: Report of gunshots, possibly from
an automatic weapon, on Sugar Loaf Road.
8:42 a.m., Grand Marais: Wallet found near Harbor Inn.
6:24 p.m., Schroeder: Caller said someone in a side-byside just went through a culvert on Schroeder Tote Road.
7:10 p.m., Grand Portage: Hit-and-run at Ryden’s Border
10:23 p.m., Grand Marais: Loud music complaint from
one of the sites at the Rec Park.
10:39 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller sought officer
assistance because he was “parked in” on Seventh
Avenue West.
Sunday, July 13
12:05 a.m., Grand Portage: Man arrested for trespassing,
obstruction, resisting arrest, fleeing on foot and
attempted assault on an officer.
12:18 a.m., Schroeder: Burglar alarm at Cross River
Heritage Center.
9:23 a.m., Grand Marais: Break-in reported at Shoreline
4:52 p.m., Grand Portage: Caller said his 7-year-old son
was running around outside.
5:10 p.m., Grand Marais: Two-car fender-bender at
7:10 p.m., Grand Marais: A cabin on South Gunflint
Lake Road was broken into.
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