It is the policy of the Cook County News-Herald to withhold the identities of individuals in Cook County Law Enforcement briefs. When court proceedings are complete, the Cook County News-Herald publishes a complete accounting of names and penalties in its Matters of Record.
Monday, July 8
1:57 p.m., Grand Portage: Drug investigation
2:28 p.m., Lutsen: Theft reported from a garage.
3:38 p.m., Grand Marais: A cash card and a bunch of beer
bottles and empty cans were found at the end of a driveway
on County Road 48.
5:36 p.m., Grand Portage: Child custody issue.
7:44 p.m., Grand Marais: A call to 911 was inadvertently
made by kids playing with the fax machine.
8:02 p.m., Grand Marais: Report of a vehicle sitting in the
grass off Ninth Avenue West.
8:46 p.m., Grand Portage: Gas drive-off of $28 from the
Tuesday, July 9
9:59 a.m., Grand Marais: Complaint about truck traffic on
County Road 6.
10:32 a.m., Grand Marais: Illegal camping reported.
11:07 a.m., Grand Marais: A terrier ran away on Seventh
Avenue West.
3:33 p.m., Grand Marais: Threatening phone call reported.
3:55 p.m., Grand Portage: U.S. Customs stopped and held a
person at the border who had a warrant out of Colorado.
11:00 p.m., Grand Portage: Domestic argument reported.
Wednesday, July 10
10:24 a.m., Grand Marais: Report of an aggressive dog
wandering on Devil Track Road.
11:38 a.m., Grand Marais: Caller said a person came into his
apartment when he was out and heated it up to 85 degrees.
3:01 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said he lost a car key
sometime during the Wooden Boat Show.
3:13 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said a large buck just ran
out of the woods and swam out into Lake Superior, and is
about 100-150 yards out. He wanted the DNR to be advised.
3:40 p.m., Grand Marais: Lost wallet reported.
4:41 p.m., Grand Marais: Overseas lottery fraud reported.
5:07 p.m., Grand Portage: Domestic argument.
6:27 p.m., Grand Portage: Assault reported.
8:28 p.m., Grand Marais: Bear problem on Trout Lake Road.
10:21 p.m., Grand Marais: Trespassing reported.
11:00 p.m., Schroeder: Report of people on the beach at
Baraga’s Cross letting lanterns with candles float up into the
Thursday, July 11
12:52 a.m., Tofte: Caller said a vehicle that was parked at
Bluefin had been rifled through.
1:18 a.m., Lutsen: Suspicious activity at Lutsen Resort.
7:52 a.m., Grand Marais: Barking dog complaint.
11:12 a.m., Grand Portage: Caller said some kids are
jumping in front of cars and pretending that they’ve been
run over.
12:54 p.m., Tofte: Vandalism reported to the bronze
sculpture near the interpretive fish house in Tofte Park.
5:49 p.m., Tofte: Two-vehicle head-on crash at the ministorage. Both air bags deployed.
Friday, July 12
9:10 a.m., Lutsen: Report of a wolf hanging around Caribou
Highlands, and it has no fear of people.
2:27 p.m., Lutsen: Caribou Highlands reported a missing
7:34 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said his neighbor was lying
motionless in the driveway, but is now up and pushing the
lawn mower, but appears to be hurt.
7:40 p.m., Grand Portage: Complaint about a three-wheeler
driving unsafely.
8:02 p.m., Grand Marais: Boat theft reported.
9:19 p.m., Grand Portage: Reported theft of an iPhone from
the marina.
Saturday, July 13
8:05 a.m., Grand Marais: Deputy called to an ongoing
property dispute, and determined that it is a civil, not
criminal, matter at this time.
12:41 p.m., Grand Marais: Injured deer on the highway at
mile marker 116.
3:50 p.m., Grand Marais: Crews working on the fiber optic
line cut a sewer line on County Road 60 and tried to patch
it, but it did not work.
Sunday, July 14
1:47 a.m., Grand Portage: Security was called to remove an
unwanted guest from a wedding at the lodge.
11:17 a.m., Grand Marais: Report of a female shoplifter at
the Arts Festival.
7:03 p.m., Grand Marais: Lake County requested that local
officers check the landings on Lake Superior for two men
who were out in a 19-foot boat and are overdue.
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