It is the policy of the Cook County News-Herald to withhold the identities of individuals in Cook County Law Enforcement briefs. When court proceedings are complete, the Cook County News-Herald publishes a complete accounting of names and penalties in its Matters of Record.
Monday, May 14
8:50 a.m., Grand Marais: Report of horses loose on Brandon
10:42 a.m., Grand Marais: Caller reported losing a diamond
ring at the Laundromat on Thursday night.
10:47 a.m., Grand Marais: A wallet was found at Johnson’s
Foods and turned in. The owner, a Canadian, was notified by
11:04 a.m., Schroeder: Extra deputies were requested to
be in the area of Father Baraga’s Cross on Sept. 15, when a
ceremony is planned. Up to 60 people may attend.
11:34 a.m., Grand Marais: Vandalism reported on County
Road 6. Someone intentionally cut the gate to the horses and
let them out. The owner heard dogs barking and saw a white
Honda leaving. The horses were caught and put back in.
11:49 a.m., Hovland: Report of a suicidal man who was
making threats.
12:21 p.m., Hovland: Caller said he believes his friends are
trying to set him up in a crime.
3:46 p.m., Lutsen: Grass fire across from Arrowhead Electric.
4:47 p.m., Hovland: Deputy assistance was requested by a
motorist with a flat tire on Skratthult Trail.
5:05 p.m., Grand Marais: An earring (opal and some garnets)
was found near the Johnson Heritage Post.
5:43 p.m., Lutsen: A motor and other equipment was
reported stolen from a disabled vehicle that was left parked
on Caribou Trail overnight.
7:29 p.m., Grand Portage: A suspicious vehicle was seen
driving up and down Margaret’s Road.
Tuesday, May 15
10:24 a.m., Grand Marais: A deputy was requested at the
courthouse during a child-custody hearing.
4:35 p.m., Grand Marais: Several automated alarms (high
flow) were received from the wastewater plant.
8:20 p.m., Hovland: Teenage sons were fighting with their
father, saying he should go to jail. A deputy was sent to the
9:10 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said he was down on the
Point and females and others were yelling, saying they would
slash his tires, and giving him the finger.
Wednesday, May 16
1:04 a.m., Grand Portage: A deputy was requested to assist
a woman retrieve some personal belongings because her
boyfriend was not letting her in.
8:03 a.m., Grand Marais: Two dogs were seen running
around on the highway near Superior Lumber.
8:57 a.m., Grand Marais: Medical assistance was requested
on Tuscarora Lake in the BWCA for a man with a broken
9:11 a.m., Grand Marais: Illegal burning reported on South
Shore Drive.
10:08 a.m., Grand Marais: Two dogs were seen running
along the highway.
3:56 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller reported a scam.
Thursday, May 17
2:50 a.m., Grand Portage: Caller said he feels like his body is
exploding, and he’s had a few beers tonight. A friend called
back and said the guy was OK but pretty drunk and full of
gas, and nobody needs to come over.
10:08 a.m., Grand Marais: ID theft reported.
2:23 p.m., Grand Marais: Horses loose at the bottom of
County Road 6.
4:21 p.m., Grand Marais: Possible child abuse reported.
10:21 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said he lost his small white
Maltese dog. He thought it was inside, but cannot find it.
Friday, May 18
12:03 a.m., Grand Portage: Report of a rolled-over vehicle in
the ditch near Hovland. Nobody was inside.
12:11 a.m., Grand Marais: A caller from the hospital said
someone was pounding on their window. They (Care
Center) will check it out.
6:23 a.m., Grand Marais: A vehicle was flipped over in the
ditch on County Road 7/County Road 6.
10:40 a.m., Grand Portage: Complaint about reckless driving
at the Community Center.
6:41 p.m., Grand Marais: A wallet and phone were found at
Ben Franklin’s.
8:27 p.m., Grand Portage: Report of a bear in the back yard
on Bay Estates Drive.
11:06 p.m., Hovland: Suspicious activity reported at Chicago
Bay Marketplace. A truck was there in the morning, and
then back again at closing, when it met with a van.
Saturday, May 19
12:00 a.m., Grand Marais: Caller reported an intoxicated
driver headed south from Gunflint Lodge.
8:54 a.m., Grand Marais: Two men put up a sign near the
highway at Super America saying they are out of gas, and
one of them was playing a guitar for money. The vehicle was
small and spray-painted many colors.
9:12 a.m., Grand Marais: Complaint about two females
riding bikes on County Road 14, creating a traffic hazard.
9:29 a.m., Grand Marais: Complaint about someone selling
antlers near the water tower on the runaway truck ramp.
2:49 p.m., Tofte: Gas drive-off of $53.31 from Holiday.
7:55 p.m., Grand Portage: A verbal altercation between
females at the ball field was reported, apparently because one
stole the other’s pills.
Sunday, May 20
6:09 a.m., Lutsen: Caller reported a tornado in the Baker
Lake area off the Sawbill Trail.
8:03 a.m., Tofte: Report of a smashed green Honda on
Honeymoon Trail, which apparently hit a tree. No one was
in the car, but there was a cased long gun in the back seat.
3:36 p.m., Hovland: A fallen tree was sticking out into the
southbound lane of the highway.
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