It is the policy of the Cook County News-Herald to withhold the identities of individuals in Cook County Law Enforcement briefs. When court proceedings are complete, the Cook County News-Herald publishes a complete accounting of names and penalties in its Matters of Record.
Tuesday, F eb. 28
8:36 a.m., Grand Marais: Harassing
phone calls reported.
10:35 a.m., Grand Portage: A fire
alarm at the Community Center
was due to a fire drill. There was no
1:01 p.m., Grand Marais: Theft of a
safe investigation.
5:21 p.m., Grand Marais: Report
that a possibly suicidal man was
driving around.
7:34 p.m., Grand Portage: Caller
reported a stop sign violation at
Mile Creek Road.
Wednesday, Feb. 29
10:05 a.m., Grand Marais: Burglary
reported at Birch Terrace.
10:23 a.m., Grand Marais: Caller
reported a hot smoky smell in his
house due to a power outage. The
PUC and fire company responded.
12:33 p.m., Tofte: Gas drive-off of
$29.22 from Holiday.
12:51 p.m., Tofte: Hit-and-run in
the Bluefin parking lot.
Thursday, March 1
3:04 a.m., Grand Portage:
Deputy requested to remove a
20-something-year-old Thunder
Bay woman from the lodge.
1:25 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller
reported that there were cows on
the hill near town, and he thought
it was odd. He was concerned about
someone missing their cows.
5:43 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said
some kids were throwing snowballs
at passing cars near St. John’s
7:25 p.m., Grand Marais: Car in the
ditch near S. Gunflint Lake Road.
Friday, March 2
12:43 p.m., Grand Marais: Report of
someone in a white van selling meat
on Pike Lake Road.
5:34 p.m., Grand Marais: Report of
two teenage girls smoking across
from the hospital.
11:40 p.m., Grand Portage: The
casino reported that a man was
causing a disturbance.
Saturday, March 3
12:16 a.m., Grand Marais: Report
of an underage drinking party at
Birchwood Apartments.
1:20 a.m., Grand Marais: Assault
reported at the Birchwood
Apartments. A 28-year-old man had
a possible broken ankle and finger.
1:46 a.m., Grand Marais: A young
man at Birchwood Apartments was
yelling, saying, “Let me in, let me in!
Dog is barking.”
6:59 a.m., Grand Marais:
Ambulance called to transport a
woman to St. Luke’s who took an
entire bottle of ibuprofen.
10:27 a.m., Grand Marais: MnDOT
employee reported that he spilled
some diesel fuel at the pumps, and
is going to clean it up.
1:48 p.m., Tofte: Report of smoke
coming from the direction of the
old airport.
11:05 p.m., Grand Marais:
Suspicious activity reported in the
Senior Center parking lot.
Sunday, March 4
9:40 a.m., Grand Marais: Damage to
property investigation.
6:59 p.m., Grand Marais: Deer
struck near mile marker 110.
Monday, March 5
8:49 a.m., Grand Portage: False fire
alarm at the Community Center.
12:13 p.m., Lutsen: A female was
acting weird and said she is running
away to Canada.
1:47 p.m., Grand Marais: Garbage
(empty bottles and clothes) was
dumped in the river.
4:18 p.m., Grand Marais:
A white malamute was
seen running down
Broadway, headed toward
GM Apartments.
5:52 p.m., Grand Marais:
A person who was
watching a friend’s dog
went out to check on it,
and it was gone.
9:04 p.m., Grand Portage: A
woman left the lodge and said
she had to drive to Grand Marais
with no headlights because they
don’t work.
9:15 p.m., Grand Marais: Report
that a blue van with “Cascade”
written on the side was speeding
through town.
11:06 p.m., Grand Portage: Caller
wanted to know why a deputy’s
squad car kept going back and forth
by her house.
Tuesday, March 6
7:21 a.m., Grand Marais: Caller said
there was a timber wolf up near the
Harbor View Apartments.
8:34 p.m., Grand Portage: Deputy
assistance requested for a loud
woman in the lobby at the lodge.
Wednesday, March 7
3:59 a.m., Grand Portage: A caller
who sounded intoxicated wanted
to speak with a deputy about some
crazy things his neighbors are
10:16 a.m., Grand Portage: Deputy
requested to assist with a child
protection issue.
2:02 p.m., Lutsen: Deputy requested
at the ski hill for a person who was
caught skiing without a pass.
4:12 p.m., Grand Marais: A deputy
was called to speak with a woman
who was thought to be smoking
marijuana. However, the woman
said she rolls her own cigarettes
from loose tobacco and that’s what
it was. There was no evidence it was
4:41 p.m., Grand Marais: Deputy
called to remove an intoxicated
cook from a restaurant. An
ambulance was subsequently sent.
4:42 p.m., Grand Portage: Underage
drinking party reported.
9:07 p.m., Grand Marais: Complaint
about a loud argument in an
apartment building.
11:19 p.m., Grand Marais: Deputy
called to a domestic argument at
Gofer Cabins.
Thursday, March 8
8:20 a.m., Grand Marais: Vandalism
to rental property reported.
8:23 a.m., Grand Marais: Injured
deer on the highway near Cutface.
1:59 p.m., Lutsen: Ambulance called
to the ski hill for an 18-year-old
male with head and back injuries.
6:31 p.m., Grand Marais: False fire
alarm at the Care Center.
7:03 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller
said he has a husky-type dog
that showed up at his house. The
number on the tag indicates that the
dog belongs to someone in Ely.
11:36 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller
said some women who are on
probation are drinking at a local bar.
Friday, March 9
1:09 a.m., Grand Marais:
Threatening phone calls reported.
8:09 a.m., Grand Marais: Vehicle in
the ditch off County Road 7.
9:32 a.m., Grand Marais: Caller said
she is out of money and she and her
son have to be out of their room by
11 a.m. and they have nowhere to
go. She was advised to call Health &
Human Services.
11:37 a.m., Lutsen: Ambulance
called to the ski hill for an 18-yearold male with a head injury.
12:08 p.m., Grand Marais: Report
of two guys in a white van trying to
sell meat.
1:37 p.m., Grand Marais: Vehicle in
the ditch just south of Hedstrom’s.
Tow truck called.
2:02 p.m., Grand Marais: A squad
car got stuck off the Gunflint Trail.
2:14 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller
said he believes someone is putting
dead animals around his apartment
because he can smell something of
that sort. He said he believes it is a
group of people, and he is also being
followed around town.
6:43 p.m., Grand Marais: Caller said
his daughter is on the top of a kid’s
kill list and he is concerned.
6:54 p.m., Grand Portage:
Trespassing complaint.
8:41 p.m., Grand Marais:
Harassment/threats reported.
Saturday, March 10
10:27 a.m., Grand Marais:
Snowmobile complaint.
11:42 a.m., Grand Marais: A whiteand brown dog with a peach collar
was standing in the middle of the
Gunflint Trail.
8:49 p.m., Grand Marais:
Snowmobile accident reported, with
two people injured.
Sunday, March 11
6:24 p.m., Grand Marais: Deputy
called to remove an intoxicated
woman from a residence.
8:51 p.m., Grand Marais: Threats
9:37 p.m., Grand Portage: Deputy
called to the casino after two people
were seen stealing a wallet.
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