Cook County News Herald

Cook County Higher Education launches new Legacy Fund with a “Million $ Match” challenge

The CCHE board of directors has pledged $500,000 to start this campaign. The goal is to generate a dollar for dollar match by May 15, 2020, culminating in total pledges of $1 million.

Mary Louise Fellows, who headed the board’s Legacy Fund task force, emphasizes, “board members appreciate that legacy gifts allow CCHE to achieve its full potential to enrich our community.” “We are excited about the generous pledges by our current board members” said executive director Karen Blackburn. She adds that the Legacy Fund will help ensure ongoing continuity and growth in the mission to provide educational services to residents of Cook County.

Janice Latz, board president, explains, “our legacy program differs from immediate cash contributions to CCHE. The donors have the advantage of retaining control over the pledged assets during their lifetimes while at the same time knowing that they are securing the future well-being of CCHE.”

The board has created three different funds, or buckets, for donors to direct their pledges: These buckets include an endowment fund, a board-designated fund, and a scholarship fund. Flexibility is the hallmark of a legacy gift. At any time, donors can redirect their contributions to the different funds, and they can increase or reduce their contributions.

The endowment fund provides long-term certainty to CCHE as it allows for a steady stream of income for maintaining and enhancing current educational programs, planning new educational initiatives, and being good stewards of CCHE facilities.

The board-designated fund allows the board of directors to meet unanticipated increases in expenses or losses in funding, to take advantage of opportunities to fulfill CCHE’s mission or to repair or improve its facilities. Blackburn comments “since so many people in Cook County rely on CCHE programs, the board wants to ensure that CCHE does not have to curtail its services due to forces beyond our control.”

The scholarship fund provides donors several options. Donors can make contributions to the Cook County Higher Education Scholarship Program Fund, endow a named scholarship program fund, create a named scholarship program fund for five years or more, or contribute to existing named scholarship program funds.

“CCHE has touched nearly everyone in the county over its 23 years in existence,” states Blackburn. “Anyone interested in helping us reach our goal can contact me or any board member. We can give you more details about the different ways you can contribute to the Million $ Match and support CCHE.”

Cook County Higher Education facilitates learning for everyone. CCHE provides college preparation for long distance or traditional college students: free tutors, study skills development, FAFSA completion, research of available programs, and application help. For college students living in Cook County and attending school online, CCHE offers support through mentoring, student advocacy, online orientation, proctoring, and 24-hour access to technology and quiet study space.

Professional development and workforce training workshops are available to residents interested in learning new skills or maintaining necessary certifications for current or future jobs. CCHE offers these opportunities locally so that residents do not have to travel to learn.

Finally, CCHE offers many lifelong learning opportunities covering a variety of topics: the new tax law, Ojibwe, stress management, welding, car repair, and conflict management— just to name a few. It is Cook County Higher Education’s mission to provide “Education where you Live.”

For more information visit or call 218-387- 3411.

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