Cook County News Herald

Cook County GOP Caucus draws a nice turnout

Treasurer Mary Petz organizes information at the GOP Caucus. Staff photo by Brian Larsen

Treasurer Mary Petz organizes information at the GOP Caucus. Staff photo by Brian Larsen

It was cold, but not cold enough to keep away 30 people from attending the February 1, 2022, two and one-half hour long Cook County GOP Basic Political Operating Unit (BPOU) Precinct Caucus held at the Cook County Higher Education building.

Current GOP County chair Trent Spry could not attend because he was called to duty. In addition to attending college, Trent, two years out of high school, is serving in the Minnesota Air National Guard.

Meanwhile, Vice-Chair Rae Piepho opened the meeting with Garry Gamble giving the invocation. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, Rae explained legal requirements for the caucus— knowing which precinct an attendee is living in, being at least 18 by the next general election, and agreeing with the principles of the Republican party—all these are set by MN Laws.

Next, CC GOP Secretary Kim Nelson was nominated to be the Secretary of the Caucus, and a unanimous vote was taken.

Envelopes were distributed for donations to fund the local BPOU’s 2022 budget. Treasurer Mary Petz said the money is spent on advertising, convention fees, (but not attendance expenses), various supplies, and again this year a new Booth Tent, as their tent was destroyed last year by high winds during the Fisherman’s Picnic.

A half dozen letters from GOP gubernatorial candidates were read, and a straw poll was held. Mike Murphy won with 23 votes. Michelle Benson received one vote and Paul Gazelka two votes. One vote was for Rich Stanek who had entered the Governor’s race just that day. Three ballots were marked undecided. Statewide, former state Senator Scott Jensen, a doctor from Chaska, was the clear winner of the straw poll with 38 percent of the vote.

With the conclusion of the straw poll, each precinct table formulated resolutions for their Delegates to bring forth to the March 15th BPOU Convention, scheduled to be held at the Harborview Social Room at 7 p.m. Delegates and Alternates will then be selected to carry approved resolutions to the Eighth Congressional District Republican Convention in April.

Cook County Delegates and Alternates will also be chosen to attend the MN GOP State Central meeting being held the first morning prior to the State Convention in Rochester on May 13th and 14th.

One hot topic fervently discussed was making sure elections are free and fair with in-person voting for those with a proper ID. In addition, there were calls for less government intervention in health care matters; strong support of police and strengthening the rule of law; support for making government smaller and better; school choice; protecting natural resources, supporting the unborn; preserving civil rights and defending America at home and abroad. These themes echoed many points in the Standing Platform of the Republican Party of Minnesota’s ten ‘planks’.

Each precinct table wrote one or more resolutions in support of a plank or planks, and those will be carried to the Congressional District Convention, where they will be voted on. Should they pass, these resolutions will be forwarded to the State Convention, and if adopted there, they would be incorporated into the Standing Platform of the Minnesota Republican Party.

Toward the end of the meeting, Mary Petz reminded attendees that political contributions of $50 for individuals and $100 for couples given to the local GOP or MN GOP party units, or to candidates for a MN office who have a signed agreement with the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Disclosure Board, would be refunded if the proper paperwork of an official receipt and MN Revenue PCR form were submitted.

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