Three years are nearly up, and it’s time to revisit the county’s vacation rental policy, said Tim Nelson, Cook County Land Director.
Nelson was talking to the county board on May 24. He came before the commissioners to present the Vacation Rental Steering Committee (VRS), which was formed at the county board’s request on April 26, 2022, to develop and recommend back to the board a framework for a full review of the counties Vacation Rental Program.
The first step will be to find a diverse group of people to serve on the full vacation rental review committee, said Nelson.
“What qualifications, what criteria will you use to pick the committee?” Commissioner Hawkins asked.
“We don’t want to winnow anyone in or winnow anyone out,” replied Nelson, adding he wanted the committee as diverse as possible between business and non-business owners.
“Glad to see we are going to bring diverse voices to the table,” Hawkins said.
The three-year timetable for the vacation rental program “intentionally created a process so we could step back and review the process,” Nelson said.
“I’m impressed and pleased with the process so far,” commented commissioner Dave Mills.
In his report to the board, Nelson said the Steering committee advised commissioners to appoint a full vacation rental review committee on June 14, with that committee completing its work on August 31 and bringing a report and recommendations to the county board on September 13.
The goal, said Nelson, is to have all adopted changes to the vacation rental program in place by January 1, 2023.
Members of the Full Vacation Rental Program Committee will be sought from the general public, large and small resorts, the Coalition of Lake Associations, County HRA, realtors, and county employees, including the Land Services Director, County Assessor, Auditor, Attorney, Administrator, Planning Commission, a County Commissioner and two alternates from the county.
Nelson said the county doesn’t have jurisdiction over the city of Grand Marais or Grand Portage, but it was good to cooperate with both entities on this topic which was affecting all of the county.
Give people time to submit applications to apply to be on the committee.
It is a tight timeline, Nelson said.
The committee should meet every two weeks.
Nelson said he sent surveys to other counties to see how they deal with vacation rentals, and he will bring that information to the full review committee.
At the advice of the steering committee, some of the questions and issues the full review committee will mull over include:
Do we need to continue to regulate vacation rentals?
What are the goals of regulating vacation rentals, and are they being achieved?
Should there be any consideration of limiting the number of vacation rentals?
What are the impacts of vacation rentals on longer term rentals and workforce housing?
Other issues that will most likely be discussed through the review process may include:
Neighboring property values.
Impact on housing inventory available for residents.
Unpaid lodging taxes.
Adverse impacts on neighboring properties (trespass, noise, lighting, etc.).
Types of structures that can be used for vacation rentals.
Complaints and enforcement.
The steering committee recommended that meetings be live streamed and recorded because of the issues and interest surrounding vacation rentals. In addition, a survey be conducted to get the community’s perspectives before the full committee process; meetings be open to the public with a public comment portion; maintain information on the county website, and promote the process through County Connections articles and possible radio and newspapers interviews.
Nelson took questions from the commissioners, and then it was time to vote. Svaleson moved, and Mills seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to move ahead with appointing a committee to complete a review of the Cook County Vacation Rental Ordinance and Licensing Program to determine whether the goals are being met and if any changes need to be made.
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