I realize that this will not be a popular opinion up here in Liberal land, but I applaud and respect the Supreme Court decision to uphold the tenants of the Constitution. I read and hear all the complaints about the Courts “abominable decision”, destroying a “Constitutional right” and truly wonder if you complainers have ever read or have any understanding of the Constitution. The Court overturned and corrected a 50-year-old mistake in that there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution for or against abortion and therefore it is a States Rights issue. The Court did not magically ban abortion but put it back where the issue should have been decided in the first place – with the States and with the people. Talk to your Legislators and Senators and if you are can develop a convincing argument to terminate (kill) innocent children at will, then your state will continue with the status quo. If on the other hand, the majority of people have a profound love of life and see the horror that has been foisted upon this Nation for the past 50 years, then hopefully your State will enact protection for the innocent.
The Supreme Court over the years have revisited many decisions and concluded that bad decisions have been made and have been overturned. The Justices decisions over the years have been driven by many factors and when a Court overturns a decision it is not done lightly but hopefully is founded in what the original Constitution established as the realm of its span of judgement. If not, it should be sent to the will of the people and back to the States. It is not the job of the Supreme Court to make laws but to judge those rulings based on the original Constitution.
I’m sure this opinion will ruffle a few feathers out there, but as a committed Constitutionalist, I applaud the bravery of our Constitutionalist Justices in light of making this momentous decision and pray for their safety and the lives of the unborn. Thank you all for taking the time to read and respect my opinion.
Terry Spieker, Hovland, Minnesota
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