Cook County News Herald

Considering quitting? Consider QuitSmart!

Quitting smoking is hard. Don’t try doing it alone. Consider joining the QuitSmart class beginning Wednesday, December 19.

Quitting smoking is hard. Don’t try doing it alone. Consider joining the QuitSmart class beginning Wednesday, December 19.

Tired of being a smoker? Want to head into the New Year smoke-free? Consider joining the QuitSmart class beginning on Wednesday, December 19.

There are four sessions on the following dates: Wednesday, December 19; Wednesday, January 2; Thursday, January 3 and Wednesday, January 9. The sessions start at 5 p.m. and last approximately two hours.

QuitSmart™ is a proven program to get off tobacco. For information, call Bob Carter at (218) 387-2131 to get more information and to register.

Cost of the class is only $20 and is free if you have taken it before.

Carter asks, “Have you tried to quit so many times that you think you can’t?”

“Actually your chances are better than ever,” he said, encouraging anyone interested to call for information.

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