I’d like to comment on young Trent Spry’s recent letter to the Editor. I found it refreshing to see how well written and logically argued it was. I commend his parents for encouraging his self-education and open-minded thinking. They should be congratulated because I am quite certain he wasn’t taught these important skills in his government run schools. Modern American education has proven itself to be an abject failure. It’s no secret that our children rank very poorly compared to the rest of the world in math, science and literature. Why is this? I put it down to the fact that our teachers and their unions are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democrat party and are more interested in left-wing indoctrination than honest teaching.
Trent, congratulations on graduating from high school! You didn’t say what your future plans are, but if you are college-bound: a word of advice. It’s not going to get any better for you. Ninety-seven (97) percent of your professors are fully committed to leftist ideology and you will be graded on your willingness to parrot their political positions. Conservative thought, as well as your First Amendment right, is totally dead on the modern American campus. I’d suggest you keep your political views to yourself, work to get the most out of whatever is offered and try not to take on too much debt to earn that diploma (of ever-decreasing value).
Good luck!
Daryl Popkes, Gunflint
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