Cook County News Herald

Conservation Officer Tales

Although the Cook County News-Herald knows that the majority of sportsmen and women are law-abiding folks, there are a few that run afoul of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Conservation Officers. Periodically, the DNR provides a report of some of the miscreants the Conservation Officers (CO) have encountered. The News-Herald shares these stories as a reminder to all to be safe and to follow the rules!

CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) worked the busy holiday weekend checking anglers, boaters and ATV riders. Enforcement action was taken for angling and watercraft violations.

CO Mary Manning (Hovland) led a work detail patrolling BWCA lakes with other officers. She checked anglers, boaters and ATV operators during the holiday weekend. Manning also took calls of illegal camping on Lake Superior’s shores, questions on road conditions and cars stuck on snowmobile trails. Travelers are advised to get a paper map or download one from the DNR before venturing onto “roads” that mapping apps might send them down. Also, if it doesn’t appear well travelled, there is probably a very good reason for that!

CO Kylan Hill (Tofte) reports seeing numerous state record mosquitos on the wing, probably leading to a quieter than usual week leading up to the Fourth of July holiday. BWCA-goers reported an onslaught of bugs but were positive about the successful smallmouth bass and walleye bite. On that note, Hill was happy to hear that the fishing was excellent on many local lakes, with near-limits being seen in livewells. Recreational boaters were worked and a few PWC issues were ironed out, mostly dealing with juveniles. One boat captain was cited for operating a pontoon with three riders under the age of 10 not wearing PFDs. One of the kids was a baby. Hill was told that it was much safer to be strapped to the chest of the adult, even though the adult was not wearing a PFD either. ATV traffic is beginning to pick up with only a few headlight violations encountered. Other various watercraft registration and navigational light violations were documented.

CO Ryan Brown (Elbow Lake) reports seeing a lot of people out enjoying the nice weather for Independence Day weekend. Fishing success was very slow throughout the week. Brown received a call regarding several abandoned cygnets (baby swans) on the side of the road. A short time later the caller called back after a thorough look on the road, only to discover it was dried up paint spots on the side of the road.

CO Shane Zavodnik (Virginia) spent time patrolling area lakes and ATV routes during the busy holiday weekend. Zavodnik assisted the State Patrol with a driving complaint involving a suspect car nearly crashing into multiple vehicles during the event. Zavodnik was able to get the vehicle safely stopped after it nearly rear-ended the vehicle in front of it. The suspect was found to be heavily intoxicated and was taken into custody thereafter. Multiple boating registration, boating safety, and ATV violations were encountered during the course of the week.

CO Garrett Thomas (Eagan) spent time patrolling local lakes and rivers during the busy boating week. Enforcement action taken during the week included catching an individual with a sunfish over-limit, many instances of fishing without a license, Jet Ski wake violations, no wearable PFDs, no throwable PFDs, and expired registrations. Thomas also assisted local agencies with a variety of boating mishaps including a submerged vehicle at a local boat ramp and an unoccupied boat drifting down the river. Time was also spent assisting a local police department with a kids’ fishing event aimed at getting kids involved in the outdoors. Many smiles were had and many kids caught their first fish.

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