Cook County News Herald

Community turns out for Trout Lake fundraiser

Some of the folks that organized and fed the crowd—Anna Klobuchar, Joanne Smith, Brian Smith, and Julie Anderson. The prepared a terrific spaghetti dinner.

Some of the folks that organized and fed the crowd—Anna Klobuchar, Joanne Smith, Brian Smith, and Julie Anderson. The prepared a terrific spaghetti dinner.

A large group of community members turned out to support the rebuild fundraiser for Trout Lake Lodge, on May 9. Trout Lake Lodge, located on the Gunflint Trail, was destroyed by fire on April 22. Thanks to the Colvill and Maple Hill Fire Departments, the fire was contained and all cabins and other resort buildings were spared.

The Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser was organized by Joanne Smith and Val Littfin, with support from the North Shore Dairy, North Shore Federal Credit Union, and the Cook County Community Center. People on hand to help with cooking, serving and clean up, included Joanne and Brian Smith, Val and Mike Littfin, John Urgo and Julie Anderson, Steve and Sharon Frykman, and Dale and Anna Klobuchar. Baked goods were provided by Virginia Palmer, Lucy Detrick, and Gail Anderson.

The Trout Lake Family has a long relationship with the Grand Marais Lions and Lioness Clubs, and many members were present at the fundraiser. Craig Waver, Bud and Charlet Kratoska’s grandson, operates the Aikikai Dojo, which brought forth many dedicated Akido students, including Joanne Smith and Val Littfin. Caring members of the community and Trout Lake extended family filled the Cook County Community Center.

Photos by Sandra Hyne A large crowd of well-wishers came to the Cook County Community Center to support the Kratoska-Waver family as it begins to rebuild the resort that burned on April 22, 2009.

Photos by Sandra Hyne A large crowd of well-wishers came to the Cook County Community Center to support the Kratoska-Waver family as it begins to rebuild the resort that burned on April 22, 2009.

Trout Lake Lodge has been a family owned and operated resort since 1946. Bud and Charlet Kratoska built the cabins and ran the resort until Bud passed away in 1986. Nancy Waver, Bud and Charlet’s daughter, moved back from Illinois to help her mother. Charlet, 92, passed away last July. Bud and Charlet were dedicated members of this community; very active in the Grand Marais Lions and Lioness Clubs; and traveled extensively promoting the Tip of the Arrowhead and the Gunflint Trail at Sport Shows around the United States and Canada.

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