At the Cook County Board of Commissioner’s February 13 meeting, Administrator Joerke reported that the Minnesota Business Relief program, which he served on at the county level, had given 40 grants to local businesses. Those businesses were located throughout the county, he said, adding there were three tiers to the grant program. Those who scored 100 percent on their application received $7,500, with the second tier receiving 90 percent of $7,500 and those in the third tier getting 70 percent of the maximum $7,500.
“Compared to other counties, we are ahead of the game,” Joerke said.
Next, Joerke asked if the county wanted to pay dues to stay on the Laurentian Resource Conservation and Development Council. After some discussion, the board voted 4-0 to leave the LRCDC.
Then, he asked if the county wanted to pay the $250 annual dues to stay with the Heart of the Continent Association. Only Commissioner Sullivan voiced support for the association and the board voted 3-1 not to pay the annual dues.
* Nelson Machine Products LLC, Tofte, and North Shore Waste, Grand Marais, filed their annual applications to operate solid waste collection and disposal businesses.
* Gary Maciejewski was approved to serve another three-year term on the Cook County Water Plan Advisory Committee.
* The commissioners accepted the resignation of Deputy Jonathan Baumann with regrets.
* Current county law enforcement Dispatcher Britta Muus, was hired as a Sheriff Technician.
* Commissioners approved a work order with RS&H for engineering and construction of a crack sealing and seal coating project for the airport runway at the cost of $33,250. The total expense of the project is estimated to be $210,000. Auditor Braidy Powers said the Federal Airport Administration (FAA) would provide 90 percent of the construction cost. The state may join with this effort and give another five percent for the design, bidding, construction, and administration for the project, said Powers. Adding some money from the CARES grant may also be used to fill in the financing, leaving the county with little if any cost.
Commissioner Stacey Hawkins asked how often this type of work needed to be done, and she was told that every five to seven years, maintenance should be provided to extend the life of the airport runway and apron.
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