Cook County News Herald

Child Care Economic Development Grants now open for applications

Funds will provide solutions to reduce child care shortages

Tuesday, July 19, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) launched the latest round of Child Care Economic Development Grants. These grants authorize $4.85 million over two fiscal years for grants to community partners to increase quality childcare providers to support economic development across Minnesota. A total of $2.425 million will be available in this second round of funding; $2.425 million was awarded previously to 14 projects.

DEED is seeking proposals from local governments or nonprofits with experience in the operations, financing, advocacy, or advancement of the delivery of childcare services. Qualified parties may request up to $300,000 in state funds for this program.

Individual childcare providers, both centers and family-based, seeking funds to establish new operations or expanding existing operations are encouraged to partner on their funding request with local or regional organizations with experience in the planning or financing of childcare facilities.

“We continue to hear that a lack of quality childcare is one of the major hurdles preventing the growth of our workforce,” said DEED Commissioner Steve Grove. “Through past grants, we’ve seen the positive impact this funding has on both families and communities. We’re excited this next round of grants will further address the childcare shortage and help parents pursue their careers and support their families.”

Program funds can be used for childcare business startups or expansions, training, facility modifications, direct subsidies or incentives to retain employees, or improvements required for licensing, and assistance with licensing and other regulatory requirements.

Priority will be given to communities that have a documented shortage of childcare providers in their proposed project area. The definition of documented shortages may include disparities in access to affordable quality childcare among targeted groups including but not limited to rural communities, low-income communities, Black, Indigenous and people of color individuals, persons with disabilities, veterans, and women.

All applications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. Central Time, on August 30, 2022.

Proposals should be submitted by email to MNSBP.DEED@ in a single PDF file. Award recipients will be notified in October 2022.

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