
The Cook County Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon-cutting for the new North Shore Laundry Services on Thursday, May 19, 2022. L-R: Chamber Board Chair Karen Blackburn, Sarena Nelson, co-owner of Cascade Vacation Rentals (CVR) and North Shore Laundry Services, Yelena and Thom McAleer, co-owners of Cascade Lodge and North Shore Laundry Services, Claire Nalezny, co-owner of Cascade Vacation Rentals (CVR) and North Shore Laundry Services, Dan and Melodee Riddle, owners of Blue Water Café, and far right, Linda Jurek, Director of Visit Cook County (VCC) and the Cook County Chamber of Commerce. Photo courtesy of the CC Chamber of Commerce
There’s a new business in town! North Shore Laundry Services was officially dedicated on Thursday, May 19, with help from the Cook County Chamber of Commerce. The new facility is a commercial laundry service, located in the Cedar Grove Business Park in Grand Marais, and is a joint venture between Cascade Lodge and Cascade Vacation Rentals (CVR).
Thom McAleer, of Cascade Lodge, said the venture came about to address the need for a “quality service provider” of commercial laundry services, and will focus on resorts and lodges in Cook and Lake Counties.
Chamber of Commerce Director Linda Jurek was on hand for the ceremonial ribbon cutting. “The Chamber is honored to help officially launch this much-needed new business,” said Jurek. “And we’re super excited to welcome North Shore Laundry Services to our community.”
Jurek, who came on as Chamber Director in January of this year, and who is also Executive Director of Visit Cook County (VCC), has instituted several new outreach and engagement initiatives at the Chamber, including ribbon cuttings for new businesses and social gatherings called Chamber Connect, networking events to take place 6 – 8 times per year. “I am excited to launch Chamber Connect,” said Jurek. “There will be a chance to introduce yourself and your business, network with others, and meet your neighbors.”
The first “Connect” is scheduled for June 1st from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at Voyageur Brewing Co. in Grand Marais. “Whether you’re a Chamber member or not, please join us,” said Jurek.
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