The new Cook County Chamber of Commerce invites all county business owners and managers to a “We Love Cook County” pre-Valentine celebration from 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, at Sivertson Gallery in Grand Marais.
“Everyone is welcome,” said host Jan Sivertson. “We’d love to see members of the Greater Grand Marais Chamber and also business folk from other parts of the county who have not previously been active in chamber affairs.”
In a newsletter that has just been sent to members, leaders of the Greater Grand Marais Chamber announced they are handing the reins to leaders of the new countywide chamber, which is in the late stages of organizing. Grand Marais Chamber President Kim Linnell and Director Bev Wolke wrote in the newsletter that “A great new beginning is in effect for the chamber of commerce. After much discussion and hard work by many, we are pleased to inform you that there is a new and better chamber awaiting you. This new chamber will be the one voice that this county has so long been in need of. We believe this will help strengthen the county’s economic growth and development to help for a brighter future for all of us,” Linnell and Wolke wrote.
At the Feb. 12 Sivertson Gallery party, prospective members will hear about the new chamber’s organizational efforts and its plans for future programming. Those plans include a “Cook County Day” at the Legislature this March at which chamber members will seek to impress on legislators the importance of issues that matter greatly to Cook County businesses.
Also on hand will be a representative of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce to talk briefly about how the new chamber and the state chamber will work together for the benefit of county businesses.
In an invitation to the Sivertson party included with the newsletter, Grand Marais area business owners and managers were cordially invited to attend by county chamber organizers Mark Sandbo, Jan Sivertson, Mike Prom, Bruce Kerfoot, Charles Skinner and Scott Harrison. An invitation is also extended to other county business leaders who did not receive the newsletter.
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